Visiting Zoo With Leica M9 And Canon 135mm f3.5 LTM

Pro tips on how to shoot animals in the zoo. Maybe not "pro" per se. Also not trips in the usual sense. But the writing definitely includes rangefinders.
Pro tips on how to shoot animals in the zoo. Maybe not "pro" per se. Also not trips in the usual sense. But the writing definitely includes rangefinders.
Review of the most affordable ISO 800 color negative films. Not that there are many ISO 800 color negative films regardless of price.
Review of a fantastic, small and nice to use TLR camera. TLR camera that's actually easy to take with you. TLR camera that can deliver sharp and detailed results. A great TLR camera.
LONG awaited Canon LTM series returns with a LONG lens! At least a long lens for a rangefinder system.
Do you like strong contrast? Do you wish to take infrared-like photos but only have a red filter? Do you like complicated origin stories?
If you answered "yes" to all of the above questions and secretly hope that the strong contrast is actually super strong then you should read this review of Adox IR-HR Pro 50.
In this episode of I explain why there hasn't been any new content for two weeks and why you should pack all your photography gear and more when you're going on holiday trips.
Taking a step away from photo taking and tackling one of the most important questions - light metering. Light meter within a phone is the most convenient option for me. Read the review of "Light Meter" light meter app and decide whether it's something you need as well.
This week we're side-stepping into digital world. I'm looking at a camera that according to some renders film-like images and is an alternative to Leica M rangefinders. Is there any truth in this or are these some ancient tales? I will dig deep do find out the truth.
If you read my review of Silberra Color 160 and though "it's all well and good but I like slide film" then I bring great news to your household! I developed Color 160 as slide film and got positives at the end. Was it all sunshine and rainbows or did it take a dark turn? Well you'll have to read it to find out.
If Silberra Color 160 wasn't impressing you I can offer a different Silberra film that might impress you. It certainly impressed me. Read a review of Silberra Color 100 - film that shares a lot from Color 160 but also removes many of the downsides.
Finding new color negative film is hard these days. But it can still be done. Silberra Color 160 is a stock that is not available elsewhere. Is it good? Is it worth the price? I will try to answer these burning questions.
Review of one of the cheapest color negative films still being made. Can it beat Kodak Gold 200 or will the colors cast a different outcome? Read more to find out!
If Canon P seems too beautiful or expensive - Canon Model 7 could be the right replacement. Beauty is replaced with functionality and more affordable price. And it doesn't feel cheap. It feels great and is the reason why I shoot rangefinders today.
If you're in need of a rangefinder that looks amazing, is easy to use and doesn't require a mortgage - this one weird tri... camera might be for you. Canon LTM series continues with the review of Canon P.
A brief story of the rage experienced when attempting E-B&W-41-6 process on 120 film.
In this writing I say goodbye to a very nice camera and lens that I used for quite a long time. Before selling it to fund other camera that is better suited to my current photo taking process, wants and needs.
If you're looking for a lens for your LTM camera that sucks in all possible light from the universe - Canon 50mm f1.2 LTM might be what you desire. You can also attach it to one particular camera and get the best looking 35mm format camera & lens combo the mankind has ever created.
Want to develop C-41 film at home but can't figure out which C-41 kit to get? Maybe this review will help!
I've reviewed 80mm Mamiya C System lens before. This time we're adding 100mm. And we're also attaching the word "Super" in front of everything!
Film might seem like a dead "technology" that should be dead. But it isn't dead. Not for me and not for quite a few people. Here's me trying to explain why film is still important for me today.