Mamiya C System Review Part 2: Mamiya-Sekor 80mm f2.8

You've read the review of Mamiya C220 and are looking for a "normal" lens for it? I have something that might interest you right here...
You've read the review of Mamiya C220 and are looking for a "normal" lens for it? I have something that might interest you right here...
Think that good lenses can't be cheap? I don't know. But unique lenses that deliver great results can definitely be cheap. Canon 50mm f1.8 LTM is a good example of that.
Voigtländer Bessa I with Vaskar 105mm f4.5 lens is already good. Is the slightly more expensive and rarer Bessa I with Color-Skopar 105mm f3.5 better? It definitely has a f1 edge - but is that enough?
Does it make sense to buy a 12 year old camera? Especially if it costs more than most modern digital mirrorless cameras? And if it has many issues even compared to other cameras from 12 years ago?
If you're tired of the expensive, natural looking films - read my review of Kodak Gold 200. It's cheaper than Kodak Portra. It has quite a distinct look. And it will forgive your metering mistakes.
First entry in series of reviews about Mamiya C system.
First review is about C220 - one of the systems smallest cameras. It takes 120 film and shoots 6x6 photos. Come in and read some more!
Mourning over the loss of Fujifilm Pro 400H? Did you know that 400H couldn't exist without Fujifilm Reala 100? Maybe you should mourn the death of Reala instead of 400H! Read on to see if you agree.
You have shot a slide film but don't have E-6 chemicals - what to do? No worries. With this one simple trick you can develop it and get slides - without even touching E-6 chemicals!
Camera that fits in your pocket. Camera that can look like the ugliest camera in the world or very nice. Camera that delivers good results. Camera that isn't analog?
My journey of finding a daily carry camera that I can fit with me wherever I go. And review of said camera. Which is Fujifilm XF10.
Want your pictures to appear that they are taken with Hasselblad XPan but don't want to sell your car and rent out your spare room to afford one? Get some tape, 6x9 camera, courage and come with me.
Have a skirt or pants with large pockets but your 35mm camera doesn't fit there or you don't want to deal with those tiny 35mm images?
Use this one weird camera that fits in your large pockets and delivers you massive 6cm by 9cm images that all your friends be amazed by.
My travels have brought me to Kodak Ektachrome 100 Plus Professional. Can I conquer this expired slide film as a man who has only shot slide film once in the past?
Unique sensor delivering amazing results wrapped in a poorly functioning carcass of a camera.
Does that interest you? It should.
Do you like rangefinders? I do! Read this piece to learn why. If you like rangefinders you won't be disappointed. If you don't like rangefinders you will also not be disappointed and will order a rangefinder.
I shot with Ricoh 500G to see how I like this compact rangefinder. Is it a quick review because I already know that I like it? Hate it? Not got enough time to know more about it? It's the second - just not so heavy.
Have never shot Kodak TMAX 400. That's why I bought 30 meters of it. Makes sense. This are more than half of photos from the first roll.
Can fast action sports be shot on film? What about using rangefinders? Are these ideas terrible? Probably. But have a read why that is ( or is not ) the case.
Expired? Soviet? Cheap? Yes. But is it actually good enough to use? Well - I can share my insights on that as I have shot 3 rolls already so can be called an expert now!
Having small children might impact your photography hobby in ways that you think are detrimental to your photography life. But it doesn't have to be like that - having these limits imposed on you can actually lead to more creativity. This is my journey about my photography hobby after becoming a father.